
Pangolins have been around for tens of millions of years. They are a critically endangered animal that exist in eight different types of species which are all endangered. They are covered in scales that make up 20% of their body weight and are made from keratin (the same stuff our hair is made of). They curl up into little balls and their sharp scales stick out like a porcupine when threatened by predators. They are often called "scaly anteaters" since they have a long sticky tongue and are insectivores. They weigh form 3.5 to 7 pounds based on the species and are often mistaken for reptiles when they are actually burrowing mammals

About half of them live in Africa and half live in Asia. 
Image result for where do pangolins live

Pangolins play an important role in the ecosystem. Since they are insectivores, they provide pest control and act as soil caretakers in the areas they live. Their big long claws and burrowing habits that they use for shelter and ant/termite hunting naturally mixes and aerates soil. This is a similar process as rorotilling gardens and plowing crop fields. This promotes necessary nutrients in soil and helps with the decomposition cycle. They are absolutely imperative to continue a healthy, functioning ecosystem. Also, once the pangolin abandons its underground burrow, it provides homes for other animals. 
pangolin on branch

They are the overall most trafficked animal in Asia and Africa due to their valuable meat and scales. They are especially high demand in China and Vietnam. Their meat is considered to have magical folk curative properties for things like asthma and arthritis. It is believed that when mixed with bark from certain trees, their scales neutralize witchcraft and evil spirits. It is also thought that if the scales are buried near a man's door, they are said to give an interested woman power over him. The smoke from their scales is thought to improve cattle health, keep lions away, and cure things like nosebleeds. Between 2011 and 2013 alone, an estimated 116,990 to 233,980 pangolins were killed based on reported seizures. However, scientists believe that reported seizures only account for about 10% of the actual number of animals in illegal trade. All eight species of pangolin are protected under national and international laws.
Ecosystems are fully functioning when all their components work together. Taking away one of those components, such as the functions of the pangolin,  will bring an ecosystem closer and closer to collapsing. Every day, we are coming closer and closer to pangolin extinction. The existence of ecosystems where pangolins function and live relies on these insectivores to do their jobs in enriching soil and promoting the decomposition cycle. 
Image result for pangolin


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