Glapagos Penguin

The Galapagos Penguin has been considered endangered for the past 18 years with its estimated population of under 2000. These penguins are a member of the genus Spheniscus (medium size black and white penguins). They grow to around 19 inches long and 5-6 pounds. They are one of the only tropical penguin in the world.

Habitat and Range
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These penguins are endemic to the coast of the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. They live in sheltered bays that were formed by ancient lava flow from long ago. They require coastline beaches that have gradual inclines rather than steep cliffs.

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Role in Ecosystem
Galapagos Penguins are carnivores that eat many types of small marine creatures. They will dive up to 50 meters to get small crustaceans, invertebrates and small fish  up to 15 mm long such as anchovies, sardines, pilchards, and mullets. They also eat mollusks, zooplankton. Their main relationship to other organisms is the predator/prey relationship. The Galapagos Penguin is an important food source for Rice Rats, Sally Lightfoot Crabs, Snakes, hawks, owls, cats, dogs, sharks, and other large marine predators. If the Galapagos Penguin were removed, the food chain would be disturbed. 
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Cause of Decline
Recently, this species population has been primarily effected by El Nino's effects on shoaling fishing. El Nino makes the waters around the Galapagos warmer which makes their food less abundant. Also, the penguins tend to not mate during El Nino since the chance of successfully raising offspring is very low. El Nino from 1982-83 caused an 80% decline in population. The penguins began to recover, only to dramatically decrease 65% more in 1997-98. The increasing frequency and severity of El Nino is a major threat to the Galapagos Penguins. These penguins are also killed by pollution, bycatch and introduced species such as domesticated cats and dogs that pose threats and spread deseases to the penguins.

Why we should care? If the species disappeared, what would happen?
Saving the Galapagos Penguin is crucial for the ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands. Taking away the Galapagos Penguin would cause a decline in prey for larger animals, and an increase in smaller fish. Less prey for the larger animals could cause the larger predators of the Galapagos Penguin to resort to nontraditional species of food or starvation. Both are cascading effects to the ecosystem. 

Current conservation efforts highlighting role in geography
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Research for this species is imperative at this time due to the severity of the penguin's endangerment. Research is currently being done at the University of Oxford to look at age of first breeding, behavior pertaining to birthing grounds, and movements during El Nino seasons to figure out conservation of Galapagos Penguins. The degree of movement between populations on different islands, the extent of which penguins migrate through their range and reproductive success can also be used toward conservation efforts. Also, research toward better prediction of El Nino events can drastically increase wildlife manager's ability to better prepare and take effective action to protect the penguin. 

How to Help!
Once a species is gone, there is no bringing it back ever again. The Galapagos Penguins play a crucial role in the environment of the Galapagos Islands. Losing them would be a big loss on our part as humans. This is how you can help save this incredibly cute penguin.

1)Adopt a penguin! Make a symbolic penguin adoption to help save them from extinction.

2) Stop polluting! These animals are threatened by oil and pollution. Take initiative today to get you or someone you know to be a little more green.

3)Donate to the Galapagos Conservatory where they're working to increase Galapagos Penguin population every day.

4)Inform yourself on El Nino, global warming, why its happening and what can be done to stop it. Then go tell your friends!

5)Spread awareness on the importance of keeping domesticated pets under control, especially in the Galapagos Islands. These animals can disturb natural habitats and cause decline in species, such as the Galapagos Penguins.
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